The American Age

What if your favorite college professors were willing to talk about everything from philosophy and politics to pop culture and love with the same kind of consideration and enthusiasm? Each week C. Travis Webb, Seph Rodney, and Steven Fullwood discuss life, culture, and art, and challenge their listeners to take fewer things for granted and all things more seriously.

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Sunday May 20, 2018

020 - C. Travis Webb, Seph Rodney, and Steven Fullwood discuss Comedy Central's recently aired skit, "The Blackening." From dissecting the underlying racial codes, to discussing what constitutes racial "progress," they examine some of the dynamics that allow people to play with their "blackness."


Monday May 14, 2018

Monday May 14, 2018

019 - C. Travis Webb and Steven Fullwood discuss UFOs. From the validity of their sightings to the possibility that they are a conscious manifestation of an uncanny universe, the subject is treated seriously--and skeptically.

Monday May 07, 2018

018 - C. Travis Webb and Seph Rodney discuss Michelle Wolf's performance at the White House's Correspondence Dinner. What is the role of the comedian in a civil society? In what ways are political upheaval's related to social etiquette?

Unwanted Opinions

Thursday Apr 26, 2018

Thursday Apr 26, 2018

017 - C. Travis Webb and Seph Rodney discuss whether or not its fair to ostracize intellectuals that have unfashionable opinions. Athletes and entertainers are often given a pass for unpopular opinions, why not intellectuals too?

Trump or Social Progress

Thursday Apr 19, 2018

Thursday Apr 19, 2018

016 - C. Travis Webb and Steven Fullwood discuss the perils and the possibilities of a Trump presidency. Does symbolic cultural progress matter, and if it does, what does Trump's election mean for the country?

Saturday Apr 14, 2018

015 - C. Travis Webb and Seph Rodney discuss their decision to go back to graduate school late in life. What does it take to participate in the pursuit of human knowledge, and is it worth the cost?

Liberty v. Safety

Sunday Apr 08, 2018

Sunday Apr 08, 2018

014 - C. Travis Webb and Steven Fullwood talk about the natural tensions that exist between liberty and safety. You cannot maximize both, so what does the current balance between the two in our society say about our priorities and prejudices.

Madness in America: Part III

Sunday Apr 01, 2018

Sunday Apr 01, 2018

013 - C. Travis Webb, Seph Rodney, and Steven Fullwood continue their discussion on madness in America. Is it a kind of madness to focus so exhaustively on race? Why do we so often return to race as a way to categorize ourselves in America?

Madness in American: Part II

Thursday Mar 22, 2018

Thursday Mar 22, 2018

012 - C. Travis Webb and Steven Fullwood continue their conversation about what it means to be "healthy" in America. Is it possible to engage politically and maintain a reasonable amount of faith in one's agency?

Friday Mar 16, 2018

011 - C. Travis Webb and Seph Rodney discuss writer David Roberts recent take down of the New York Times opinion page, and its attempt to incorporate conservative leaning writers. Is conservatism just a series of "irritable mental gestures" or a vital and coherent worldview?


Why does the American flag look like this?

As you can see, our flag is different.

We believe in the American idea that all men and women are equal before the law and enjoy rights that are intrinsic and inalienable. We also believe, along with Thomas Jefferson, that because men and women are imperfect, and their wisdom is limited and fleeting, that this idea must be renewed periodically in order to remain vital...

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Discover The American Age

The American Age is a salutary response to the disease at the core of American civic culture. It is a rejection of intellectual cynicism, historical amnesia, and the politics of dread. It is a rooster call to stir our fellow humanists awake.


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